Not all Moderators are alike. You cannot, I repeat you cannot, under estimate the value of using a trained Moderator to assist you in leading any important qualitative research event (QRE). A trained Moderator brings many things to the table and utilizing their experience can lead to successful discovery of key insights or themes AND gold nuggets the research team may not have expected.
The Value of a Trained Moderator
- Trained Moderators are adept at actively listening, looking beyond the words and noticing subtle cues or themes to explore more.
- They can enhance the success of your QRE by ensuring a smooth flow of the discussion using a myriad of methods to keep Respondents engaged. They manage the conversation by keeping it on track and reigning in tangents or moving things along when they need to.
- By having a comprehensive understanding of the purpose, they are able to work towards the objectives of the study so that key themes and patterns are explored through the discussion.
- These Moderators possess empathy, creating a non-threatening environment that encourages mutual respect among Respondents.
- They ask thoughtful, open-ended questions to encourage Respondents to elucidate on their POBAs (perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes) on the topic. Additionally, they probe for clarity, eliciting information that might be missed by an untrained moderator.
- Trained Moderators use a variety of tools to explore below top-of-mind answers beyond the simple “I ask – you answer” format.
- Through action, not words, trained Moderators know how to create a safe, inclusive environment for the Respondents by building rapport early and maintaining UPR (unconditional positive regard) throughout the research session.
- Trained Moderators are able to adapt to the dynamics of the group and know how to shift or change a course if something isn’t working.
In summary, a trained Moderator knows how to get the most out of your event making you the HERO.
Written by: Bonnie Heiserman, Bookkeeper & HR Manager