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RIVA Celebrates 40 Years! – One Thing You’ve Learned from Working at RIVA

Posted on May 14, 2021 by Riva Market Research Training Institute

RIVA’s staff always talk about the lessons we’ve picked up from our time here at RIVA over the years – whether it’s from our students, our co-workers, or other interactions. We also have learned so much when it comes to work. Today, we’re sharing some of those things with you!


One thing learned from RIVA: Team work is critical to success and to always be willing to learn new things.

Work Advice: Date every piece of paper that crosses your desk.


One thing learned from RIVA: Plans always change.

Work Advice: Be willing to LISTEN to others (other staff, students, clients, vendors, etc.)

Jo Ann:

One thing learned from RIVA: Never underestimate the power of seven committed women and what they can achieve.

Work Advice: Take full possibility for any assignment you are given. Do what’s needed and wanted, rather than the bare minimum. Another way to say this – do what’s right, not what’s easy.


One thing learned from RIVA: The joy and amazing results that are achieved from the space of “what’s in the best interests of our students” and holding that context.

Work Advice: Each of us is the face of RIVA.


One thing learned from RIVA: How to ask better questions that get longer answers.

Work Advice: It’s very helpful to write things down, especially instructions for a specific software/program or how a process works within your organization so that you can refer to it later.


One thing learned from RIVA: Never ask “why” because it never leads to the type of answer you really want.

Work Advice: Be open to opportunities – your first thought when asked if you want to take an opportunity should be “yes” and you can work out the logistics later.

We can’t wait to keep celebrating our 40 years with you all throughout this year!