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RIVA Staff | Tori

Posted on April 29, 2014 by Riva Market Research Training Institute

This is Part One of a multi-part interview series with RIVA Staff.  Today we are talking with Tori, receptionist and hostess for RIVA. If you have been to RIVA as a student, you have seen how hard Tori works to make each person feel at home in our office. Feel free to ask Tori additional questions in the comments!


What is your role at RIVA?

I am the receptionist/hostess. I sit at the main desk and am the first face people encounter here at RIVA. I also think of myself as the hostess for the students, a qualitative research assistant, and a personal assistant to our trainers.


Tell me a little about yourself. How long have you been in the area?

I’ve been in the area for a year and a half and I was born and raised in Baltimore County, Maryland.


What brought you to RIVA?

I’ve always had an interest in market research and focus groups. I also liked RIVA as a company. From the beginning, RIVA seemed like a tight-knit group and everyone was so friendly. My first meeting with Naomi was incredible, when people first meet her they are blown away. She has such an impact.


You have been at RIVA a little over a year now. What has been your favorite experience at RIVA in the past year?

Definitely taking classes – that has been amazing. Also, the camaraderie among the staff. We celebrate anniversaries and birthdays together. At my first Christmas party, I had to solo a Christmas song and I sang “Grandma got Ran over by a Reindeer.” We always have so much fun!


What aspects of market research do you enjoy the most?

I like how in Qualitative Research, it dives further into the consumer’s mind. It is interesting to see how people think. People never cease to amaze you.


If someone asked you what coming to a RIVA training class is like, what would you tell them?

It’s scary and intense but also really fun. You feel like you have never taken in so much information in one day in your whole life. Our trainers are so knowledgeable. It doesn’t feel like you are in a class, however, you are just talking and laughing and everyone is learning from one another. It is really neat.


Lastly, if you were to star in your own reality TV show, what would it be called?

“Pups and Crafts”! My dog, Nitro, is my best little buddy and I love doing all kinds of crafts whenever possible. I am always working on a project.